Pastor RJ

A thespian at heart, RJ has probably memorized more dramatic monologues than bible verses. But when God got ahold of his heart as a teenager, instructing him to use those stages to bring glory to the Lord, RJ accepted the call and never looked back.

With 13+ years of ministry experience, RJ is well versed in postchristendom Christianity, cultural issues, theology, and philosophy. His primary focuses have been biblical teaching and worship. He currently holds a Bachelors of Divinity and a Honorary Master's of Theology. He is ordained through the Christian Leaders Alliance.

In addition to his weekly preaching, RJ is in the process of writing multiple books and occasionally penning the odd song or poem. RJ and his wife Laura have been married for five years and live a quiet life with their two cats, Admiral Ravensburg and Lady McSweetums.

See more from RJ here: